I am thankful my principal and my district understand the importance of professional development for the arts. I have been incredibly blessed to be allowed to attend workshops with Professional Artists and not just just on teaching methodology and assessment. So often it is difficult to find relevant pd that develops skills for arts teachers so when Ginny S. From
Small Studios in Westlake, Ohio announced her annual workshop series this year I was ecstatic to see
Tory Brokenshire teaching again. I wasn't able to attend her sessions last year(life got in the way) and I was really bummed. So as soon as the registration opened I filled out my paperwork, wrote my rationale and marched(ran) down to the office. The only downside was the length of time I then had to wait for the workshop. But it was well worth it and it would also mark the start of the final month of school for us.

The workshops that Ginny hosts are fabulous. They are housed in the beautiful studio in the back half of the eclectic and curious goods store called Small Studios. Her artists are personable, knowledgeable, and friendly. They are famous and well worth the small workshop fees. In the past she has had artists Michael DeMeng, Andrea Matus-DeMeng, Keith LoBue and Ingrid Djikers just to name a few. Fabulous artists AND you get to shop in one of the coolest little stores I have come across. Santos dolls, metal numbers, ribbons, arts supplies, mixed media assemblage supplies, and papers galore, well worth the trip! Total WIN!

I attended all three of Tory's workshops and came away with three almost finished sculptures. I know, I am a bit of a perfectionist and I work a little slow. I managed to finish the first sculpture(who needs sleep) and I am hoping to get to spend some time in my studio this week and finish my second one up as well. I learned in depth about the materials we were using, tips that I could share with my students and had an in depth look at how Tory creates and why she creates the sculptures she does. My students were excited to see my first project finished and they will get to see the progress on the the others as well. And all of that amazing knowledge I picked will be used in next years curriculum and projects! Thank you to Tory and Ginny for a fabulous weekend!