Saturday, December 21, 2013

I am the Walrus...

In November my friend Mary and I presented a workshop on modeled sculpture at the 2013 OAEA conference. I started the "Walrus" as my sample. Just a bit of newspaper, paperclay and tape. After the workshop, I continued to work on him during my lunch duty at school. I would roll my cart(a short AV/tv stand with a drawing board on top) with me and work while I check hall passes and wrangle the "escapees". And after numerous lunch dates with the walrus, Medusa and the mermaid(a few of the other sculptures I am working on) and finally a classroom day of painting examples and demonstrations, he is now finished and painted.  I took my color selection to Facebook and let some of my friends help me decide his fate.  The nice part is that he kids really took off and the idea of layering their paints. I can't wait to share their results in my next post! Now the really hard part begins....figuring out what to name him..or her. Suggestions are very welcome!

A little bit of creepy clown happening here..
Looking a little loved this stage.
Zombie Walrus

1 comment:

  1. Name for the Walrus: Goo Goo Goo Joob from the Beatles song.
